Wednesday, 13 April 2011

a disappointment... and a good day

Another example of life's vicissitudes...
The other day I received notification from that someone had bought a clock 
and a barometer
 from me. I got all excited - £900 of sale is a nice bonus....

Sadly, after much to-ing and fro-ing of emails it seems that the 'buyer' was a con-man, so there will be no PayPal credit to transfer. :-(  Luckily I had not given him any account information or dispatched the goods so I am not out of pocket, only disappointed! Now I just have to get the final Valuation Fees refunded and the items back up for sale.

On the other hand, I did have a good day at the Antiques Fair I attend most months in Woodstock (it runs for the Saturday and Sunday of the weekend with the second Sunday of the month), which made up to an extent for that disappointment. I have a lot of old Chinese mother-of-pearl gaming counters

 which I have been trying to sell for a while with very little luck. Over the last month I turned a few of them into earrings and necklaces and all of a sudden I sold £60-worth of the counters to people who liked the idea and wanted to copy it. (I would have liked to sell the 'value-added' items, but no matter - I still have them as examples for next month!)
Then there were the customers bringing me repair jobs and/or collecting items I had repaired. I guess it is a case of swings and roundabouts - as with so many things in this life.
As a bonus I now have someone else who is very interested in the clock which I thought I had sold, so maybe I will have some of that cash in due course after all! (cue Life of Brian's 'Always look on the bright side of life'...)

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